/As I wind down my busy season and I look back to reflect on the love that's been shown me and my family through the year my heart is flooded with gratitude.
In the beginning of the year I'll admit, I was terrified. I'm scared of germs. Like.... seriously scared. I've been worried about my family, about when I'd see them next. In the beginning of the year I wondered how my business would go, and so many other things to process.
Even though this has been a really hard year in so many ways, it's been absolutely beautiful, too.
I've seen familiar faces, I've met beautiful new souls. I've connected through art and photography and spent so much wonderful time with my little girl. I've been supported and busy with my art and my little girl has gotten to see me work hard doing things I'm passionate for. She's also gotten to see me work on myself, my own personal growth. She's four but already learning about faith, hope and love. She's grown up so much this year and I've gotten to watch it all.
I'm so grateful.
Thank you to each of you for being part of this beautiful year and I wish you all a healthy safe holiday!